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    “I’m going to Rx 18.3” ~ A guy who can’t do pull-ups

    @wangs Hmmm thanks for the idea!!!
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    CrossFit Filthy 150 - Sunday Discussion Thread

    @av1 I found it really exciting to watch! A no rep would really cause a difference and seeing different strategies was interesting aswell, The weaker athletes lifting it though not so great to watch - my lower back was sore just watching
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    CrossFit Filthy 150 - Sunday Discussion Thread

    @little_sparrow There were a few of them in the first heat alright, they seemed to be the same people that couldn’t handstand walk either and struggled with the heavy strict press
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    CrossFit Filthy 150 - Sunday Discussion Thread

    @pixey I hope so too! Il be honest I didn’t enjoy watching him at Regional competitions - not sure what to be honest, But seeing him live at this weekend he was brilliant!! It was great to see him push and the finish of the final event with Tim Paulson was amazing!!! He’s a real character
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    CrossFit Filthy 150 - Friday Discussion Thread

    @dan_r I was standing next to the rig for the teams event. It was sooooo cold!!!
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    CrossFit Filthy 150 - Friday Discussion Thread

    @rasnosauj Everyone was facing the athletes so the camera was at the same angle with the crowd behind it. Place was actually pretty busy considering it was a Friday afternoon. Tomorrow will be busier
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    CrossFit Filthy 150 - Friday Discussion Thread

    @veilmenacex There was heating during the snatches? 🤣 I was the same though had plenty layers! Had brought extra for Saturday and didn’t need any! It was roasting
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    CrossFit Filthy 150 - Friday Discussion Thread

    @chiole They were looking to people in the crowd with converters on their phones it was hilarious
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    CrossFit Filthy 150 - Friday Discussion Thread

    @dayagri Thank god!! I’ve so many clothes with me today just Incase