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  1. P

    Quitting sugar --- healthy or too restrictive?

    and another really important thing: do not and i mean do not consume liquid calories. they're so unsatisfying and the mix of caffeine and sugar in soda is a one way ticket to junk food addiction. fruit juice, and smoothies that you haven't made yourself (because theres a large chance they were...
  2. P

    Quitting sugar --- healthy or too restrictive?

    and it's ok to indulge once in a while. it's when it happens every day on top of your regular meals that it becomes a health problem
  3. P

    Quitting sugar --- healthy or too restrictive?

    @jesse1354 completely quitting all sugar cold turkey is usually unsustainable, and you need (complex) carbs for optimal health. try to replace your sweets with fruit. too much fruit is bad (too much of anything is bad), but fruit has so much water and fiber it's harder to overeat than processed...