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  1. P

    how do you manage stress in ways that aren’t exercise??

    @ashley314 thanks so much for your reply. i adore yoga & back before covid i was doing a lot of yin yoga in class/group settings, and honestly looking back that was one of the lower-stress periods i’d had in the last several years. i really fell off once i had to do it all from home, though—it’s...
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    how do you manage stress in ways that aren’t exercise??

    @bennnn yes!! i absolutely love yoga and have probably seen the most significant/direct progress with ptsd from that. i just have found it much, much harder during the pandemic to keep it in my routine and not something i “discipline out” of my life by making it a second priority to work/more...
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    how do you manage stress in ways that aren’t exercise??

    @trinity101 hi! i actually haven’t had any testing yet, my doctor just suggested to me that given my lifestyle and multitude (!) of physical/mental symptoms, it completely fits the bill. testing will happen in just a bit! ive actually have a non-hormonal IUD for going on 6 years now, i got it...
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    how do you manage stress in ways that aren’t exercise??

    @mlenadc amazing idea! i actually just talked to my therapist today about physical outlets for while i’m taking a break from fitness. drums came up, as did throwing pillows :)
  5. P

    how do you manage stress in ways that aren’t exercise??

    hi everyone! LONG time lurker, first time poster :) i hope this is okay for a standalone post—happy to move it if not! i know this is ultimately a fitness community so asking about stuff outside of that might seem weird here, but this particular fitness community is the one i feel closest to and...