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  1. L

    is this training plan good enough?

    @staceyy This looks ok. Leg day is missing a hinge movement if you want to be complete. I’d probably cut the last couple of exercises on the upper day in favour of a simple skull crusher/curl super set or drop set for the sake of saving some time. I’d also have a look at some programmes on...
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    Anyone got a workout routine for me

    @dcaple If you’re happy to use barbells and not much else, then try the fitness wiki beginner routine, or stronglifts 5x5. You can also try looking on boostcamp or lift vault for various free routines.
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    Been doing the RR for 4-5 years, looking for feedback on a custom routine

    @narrowisthepath In your situation I would try and get access to a barbell. You can definitely make progress without one, but it simplifies things a lot. You could do 5/3/1 with dumbbells, but you’ll fairly quickly outgrow 50lbs for staple exercises like bench and even goblet squats. The...
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    2 months to do 10 chin-ups/pullups possible?

    @wolfmedic Look for a general training routine that has been proven to work and has good reviews. Places to look are: the fitness wiki boostcamp (app on android too) lift vault or look for an app preloaded with stronglifts 5x5 (it’s on boostcamp too) You can replace some of the pulling work...
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    Need Help On Workout Routine For Shoulders | Beginner?

    @loneranger Start here. Click through until you find a routine you like. The r/fitness beginner routine probably makes the most sense for you. Once you’ve read up how to do the routine, and under what conditions to move onto an intermediate routine, follow the instructions and run it all the...
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    Been doing the RR for 4-5 years, looking for feedback on a custom routine

    @narrowisthepath It looks like you have an issue with your training unrelated to your programming. I’d have expected better results in some of these categories even with inconsistent training. Given your goals I would personally steer towards straight strength training, combined with some time...
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    Bed ridden after deadlift

    @elw80 Sounds like you pushed a little too hard too soon. Might not get all the way better but it should at least improve in a few days. I’ve had deadlift sessions I could still feel a full week afterwards, but the pain lessens well before then. I’m assuming that this is in fact just soreness...
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    Can you get this physique in 1 year or is this guy BSing me?

    @zanyteen16 Use any free pre-written programme online. Boostcamp, , and thefitnesswiki all have good ones on there. Doesn’t really matter which one. Just pick one with the right number of training days, and that says beginner on it. make sure you read the information and set up...
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    Can you get this physique in 1 year or is this guy BSing me?

    @zanyteen16 If you are paying even a small amount of attention to your diet and are using an intelligent programme, written by somebody who knows what they’re doing your genetics won’t be relevant.
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    Beginner wants to make progress in Body Weight Training and needs programming advice

    @marvin54 This video explains it nicely for anyone who hasn’t seen it.
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    How can I improve my PPL split.

    @elizabeth63 If I was you I’d have a look for a programme on Boostcamp or lift vault. That’s not to say don’t write something for yourself in the future. But I think it’s worth learning what other people do and what works well to make sure you know what your options are before trying yourself...
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    Need Routine Advice

    @jayisscott The recommended routine from r/bodyweightfitness might be a good place to look. This video explains it nicely.
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    Is there a reason every routine has A, B, C days?

    @femooh If you want some proven routines with reviews have a look at Boostcamp and lift vault. It’s better in your position to learn how to train and let someone else sort the programming. If you have basic questions about training then the fitness wiki is a brilliant resource.
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    Is there a reason every routine has A, B, C days?

    @femooh It’s mostly to cut down on time. A normal training session lasting 1-1.5hr might have 10-20 working sets depending on what you’re doing (17-20 sets is a very long session and not too common). Based on this, it’s just not feasible to only ever do 2 sets of an exercise. You can see good...
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    Dosas 1400 burned calories sound right?

    @thethao247h If you’re concerned about your Bodyweight then the only way to know for sure is to measure your Bodyweight over an extended period of time, and see whether the weekly average changes. Trying to do it by calculation is not feasible because every number you get is an estimate based...
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    Critique my split!!

    @dad913 15 sets of chest on workout A is more than you realistically need to do for a single muscle group in a single session. Cut a few sets of flyes out. Day B doesn’t look so bad, but could have similar problems of doing way too much for your lats if your barbell rows are very hard on them...
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    Any advice on my workout routine?

    @jmike123 If you’re going heavy and close enough to failure to get the most out of each set then these workouts are gonna take hours. If you haven’t already have a look through Boostcamp or through lift vault for some really good programmes with excellent reviews.
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    What do you guys think of this as a workout for Asthetics and General Athletic Performance

    @chritianlivingparadise Some good ideas here, but there are important tweaks will be the difference between some of these exercises being worth doing or not worth doing. ——- TL;DR - For more info I like JT Performance, Nick Leyden, and Angus Bradley, which are all S and C coaches with good...