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    How does losing weight while progressing at the gym actually work?

    @dillinger Then that isn’t your tdee. The T stands for Total so your TDEE should include all activity. How tall are you? By eating in an appropriate deficit (estimated TDEE -500 calories or so is a decent start) and following a program. You don’t have to eat 200g of protein if that’s...
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    When did the machine start breaking down and how did you power through?

    @grace_mercy I’m 43 and if I suddenly couldn’t handle a one hour golf lesson I’d see a doctor ASAP while taking a hard look at my nutrition, sleep, stress, and recovery. I train Olympic lifting 4 days a week, work full time, and have a couple hobbies outside the gym with no issues.
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    Going to a regular weightlifting gym ?

    @nikkimarie We have quite a few people on our team that do both CrossFit and weightlifting.
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    CrossFit and CNS Fatigue

    @catherineone If your recovery sucks then no amount of “forging in fire” is gonna pull you through this. You’ll just keep beating yourself into the ground until something gives.
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    Where are my elk hunters?

    @eloise Not a great elk hunter but I used to live in Idaho and Utah. Olympic lifting has been my main hobby for years so that with a little CrossFit (when I trained at a CF gym) or some simple couplet or triplet conditioning workouts a couple times a week. Weighted pack hiking/scouting a few...