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    GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?

    @andy1993 5'10 155lbs I started going to the gym about 3 years ago but the first year I wasn't really doing anything substantial. I mainly was improving my overall fitness. Started lifting properly about 2 years ago... (note: these are 3x5 not 1RM) Squats: bodyweight to 55kg (121lbs) Bench...
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    I told a guy no on working in

    @shane19 It definitely is a normal thing to ask, but I have experienced men always asking me first. And if there are for example 3 benches all the same and I'm on one, they ask me how long I have left and I tell them. They don't ask the men, only me. This has happened a lot of times. It's very...
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    I told a guy no on working in

    @johntf I think this one is gonna be divisive because we all go to different gyms with different rules, vibes and capacities. IMO there's nothing wrong with asking someone to work in. And there's nothing wrong with saying no. (As long as you're not using the machine for a very long time!) The...