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  1. T

    Progression rant

    @ineedadvice101 Why would your form go to shit? If you can perfectly execute 8 reps with 185kg, you can do 190kg perfectly with the same form. The number of reps you do is irrelevant, the form is most important in preserving.
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    Daily meal review

    @galatians220lyric I would also check the accuracy with your other items too. 4oz of lean turkey will have almost no fat in it, but the lesser lean ground ones can have a decent bit more fat. If you’re eating 97% lean turkey like many people eat that will be similar to chicken breast.
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    Daily meal review

    @galatians220lyric What kind of chicken breast has 36 grams of fat in 1 lb? Is this skin on chicken breast? Boneless skinless chicken breast has like 2.5-3g of fat per 4 oz.
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    Behind at 5 Weeks Out - Need Advice

    @chelseyn09 Correct. I would recommend looking at some other shows and aiming for a different date at competing if I was coaching you. When I prep people, I start them at your current body composition. Realistically, you’d be ready in 12-16 weeks from where you are now.
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    Progression rant

    @katy89 I’m about to blow your mind brotha, try doing…drum roll…90 kg. This is how you get stronger, you test weights you’ve never touched or used for working sets. The thing is, sometimes that’s what you have to do.
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    Daily meal review

    @galatians220lyric This is a poor diet. Not enough foods to fill your micronutrient needs. And how are you getting in 90g of fat? The sources of food you list don’t get you anywhere near 90g, unless you’re cooking in some kind of oil/butter that you haven’t listed.
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    Behind at 5 Weeks Out - Need Advice

    @johnvladimir If I’m being honest, my appetite is always so high I could gain 60 lbs if I wanted to (I’ve done it multiple times on purpose lol). The only thing you can do is to sneak in those calories somewhere. I think natural peanut butter is probably the easiest way to sneak those cals in...
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    Behind at 5 Weeks Out - Need Advice

    @josieyy It happens to the best of us brother lol
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    Behind at 5 Weeks Out - Need Advice

    @johnvladimir Most people bulk and add 40 lbs to their frame, but only 5-10 lbs of that is actual contractile tissue (if they trained hard enough). Getting stage ready is humbling the first time you do it. First time I ever got shredded (8% bf), I was 6’1 155. But once you learn what your...
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    Behind at 5 Weeks Out - Need Advice

    @chelseyn09 I don’t mean to freak you out, but you got about 15-20+ lbs to lose (if you’re trying to win). You can get a lot leaner in 5 weeks but you won’t be stage ready.
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    what’s your favorite exercise?

    @judahs_lion The wide grip pull-up. You don’t need fancy equipment to do them, you can train them often, they are a top 2 exercise that will give you the best bang for your buck for physique aesthetics (right next to DB side laterals), and they can give you an idea of how strong someone is for...