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  1. M

    How soon after the big V were you back in the gym ?

    @becksblue A few days, I think. It’s a very easy surgery. Fun fact: mine hurt super bad while I was getting it done, and my doc casually commented that my anesthetic didn’t seem to be working very well. Also, my dog got fixed that same weekend. I told my doctor that in the middle of the...
  2. M

    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    @gm0nkx I hired a few coaches and they helped me a lot. I’ve been lifting forever and I was really nervous to give up control of my program but I’m glad I did. But to answer your question, we’re just not as likely to ask for help in general. We don’t see the doctor, ask for directions, get...
  3. M

    How soon after the big V were you back in the gym ?

    @leahhope Yeah, just call it a deload week and take it easy.
  4. M

    Thank You! It worked!

    @kyachu I started doing 2 short leg days/week. I think it’s a great idea to not do leg day all at once.
  5. M

    Took a Dexa Scan before resuming gym [M35 / 96 Kgs / 6'1 ft - 30% body fat, overweight]

    @argem17 yeah, dexa scans will get pricy really fast. i looked into them yesterday and they're over $100 each. I'd get my fat-free body weight and set up an excel spreadsheet that calculates BF% based on current weight. That's probably just as accurate, anyways.