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  1. L

    What did you do to lose weight?

    @bunnylightheart Really it comes down to calories in/calories out. As long as you eat fewer calories than you burn in a day, mathematically it’s guaranteed that you will lose weight, how much will depend on how large your deficit is. It’s simple and yet can be frustrating! It sounds like you’re...
  2. L

    Calorie deficit for 5’0?

    @olleg12 This is amazing - I’m saving your comment! I feel like I’m so careful of my meals focusing on hitting my protein and load up on veggies and fitting in complex carbs, I also work out 5x/week, have a 1600 cal limit, and yet I am still always hungry (I don’t have cravings for anything in...
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    Is it true that you have to decrease your calorie intake as you lose weight?

    @california1der I’ve struggled with this as every TDEE calculator I’ve used gives me wildly different numbers. Do you know one that’s very accurate? I’ve also been using MacroFactor, which I’ve been inputting data into for several months, so it’s basing its assessment of my TDEE of off months...
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    I’m so upset…

    @ebarnes Hahaha I hear you it took me many many attempts trying different brands until I found one I liked. There are some NASTY ones out there! I don’t even know why the taste varies so much across brands! Costco’s so far is my favorite, super easy to drink, light in flavor, and really...
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    Is it just me or do we get ignored at parties/bars because we’re short? like people can’t see or notice us in the crowd

    @woollybear Oh gosh yeah! 4’9” here. I remember in the days I used to go to crowded bars or clubs, conversations would always happen way above my head. I’d feel so ridiculous nodding and shouting to be heard from down below lol. Worst part was all the drinks being held up over my head and...
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    I’m so upset…

    @ebarnes I’m not sure how they compare, but I’ve developed a major love for coconut water as a great source of electrolytes post workout! Costco sells them in bulk and it isn’t breaking the bank!
  7. L

    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @butterfly2222 These are great points, and many of them I have had to reckon with. I kept telling myself I was eating “healthy” but my healthy choices included “healthy” food I’d get when eating out yet I can’t see or measure what they’re adding, and restaurants tend to add hidden salt, sugar...
  8. L

    what is your fav low calorie breakfast?

    @lw97nils During the work week: High protein yogurt + no sugar added granola + chia seeds + berries, with coffee! Lots of protein, fiber, and antioxidants. 200 cal :)