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  1. M

    I did GtG with weighted dead bugs for 3 months and got a lot of core strength gains

    @anonymosib Mike Robertson (online fitness personality and athletic coach based off Indiniapolis, a big advocate of the exercise) says it teaches the person to "disassociate the trunk from the pelvis." But a good pre-requisite for a deadbug, I think is a solid abdominal brace. In that regard the...
  2. M

    Is S&S really enough? Read mor for context. Im pretty new to this fitness thing

    @mr_loevinger There's an old article on the strongfirst website called "novocaine training". A training day, if i remember correctly, is basically made up of 2 components: 1. Base kettlebell workout (eg S&S, snatches, etc), followed by 2. Supplementary work (eg barbell exercises etc) The base...