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  1. B

    Dumbbell exercises to prepare for pull ups and push ups

    @ivans For now my target is only to manage to do 1 push up and 1 pull up Then to do 2 pushup and 2 pull ups. and I want to manage to get to the first push-up with the help of dumbbells for the reasons I described in the OP.
  2. B

    Dumbbell exercises to prepare for pull ups and push ups

    @ivans Thanks for your link and I get that there are diminishing returns up to a point but I think I am not there yet since I cant do even a single "legal" pushup. But to be honest I find you a little bit exaggerating I mean 95lbs is like 40Kgr right? Those are dumbbells a youtuber I know...
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    Dumbbell exercises to prepare for pull ups and push ups

    @mommajulesberry Well wont doing more reps help ? Also they have plates and I have some extra too so I can either make two 12,5kgr or one 22,5 kgr Yea that's everything I want to avoid or dont have (resistance band) :P
  4. B

    Dumbbell exercises to prepare for pull ups and push ups

    so I am 130 kg and cant make a single push up also cant make a single pull up. I have two 10Kgr (each) dumbbells* though that I can lift and move with relative ease. I am not a fan of negative pull-ups push-ups or how these are called. I also am not a fan of inclined push-ups (maybe...