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    Workout Equipment You Love vs. Never Use

    @hope7777 I fell for the r/bodyweightfitness hype, but they were right!
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    Workout Equipment You Love vs. Never Use

    @alwaysalways I'd have to take it outside, I live in an apartment and my neighbors would get concerned if they heard a lot of loud crashes. But yeah, RAWR SMASH
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    Can’t progress pull ups - need some help with strategizing

    @jscivias ugh the ads and pics on that site are terrifying
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    Workout Equipment You Love vs. Never Use

    @dawn16 If you put it up and leave it up and practice hanging from it regularly, your pullups will progress a lot faster. I couldn't do pullups till I got the bar and played with it for months. Negatives and "active hangs" are the way to get started.
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    Workout Equipment You Love vs. Never Use

    @hebahesh love: Pullup bar. PULLUP BAR did I mention the pullup bar? gymnastic rings, gravel bags (homemade), water filled jugs (my homemade "kettlebells"), 2 year old child (when she visits, never often enough!) frisbee. requires a partner, so not much use this year because I live alone...
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    What’s your current routine?

    @soikeobongda go ahead, see you on the couch in 12 days
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    Daughter 7 and son 9 can dead hang comfortably for 3 and a half minutes

    @queendream I watched my niece curiously pick up a dumbbell in one hand at about 20 months, it weighed about 1/4 or 1/3 of her total bodyweight. Not extraordinary for a healthy adult, but impressive for a child who's only been using that body a short time.
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    What was your “DAMN I’M GETTING STRONG” moment?

    @justin_holmes I tried a heavier archery bow, then went back to the lighter one and it was too light. My favorite are those "hey, this got lighter" moments
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    I’m going back to the office. How did I workout before work again?!

    @joyinsf Could you store your makeup at work and put it on there? Just thinking that might save a step, and protect your cosmetics from temp changes etc. plus you would not risk messing it up on your commute. If you wear extra layers at work, maybe store those at office and refresh weekly or...
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    Urgently need an exercise that is not push up or abs, leg required

    @hikaridemand I'd be careful with this if you are walking outdoors. Bicycles and cars can run you over, you can trip and slip on things, in rare cases you may even get mugged. Stick to audiobooks and one earbud unless your peripheral hearing is VERY good and you're not prone to motion sickness...