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  1. J

    "What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

    @call_me_tom Lol, I'm from the south US but in Minnesota now, unfortunately or fortunately, depending on mood... Also, working on the water thing... I'll get a brita next time i have cash! I've been trying to do bottled water with mio drops! I should also invest in hot sauce 🤔 I've been doing...
  2. J

    "What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

    @call_me_tom Thank you so much! It's good to see that you can eat most anything with attention to portions... maybe it's all in my portion sizes? I used to drink sooooo much mtn dew (probably a large part of how I got here too) and then switched to wayy too much diet soda lol. Coke Zero! Maybe...
  3. J

    "What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

    @babytosin That's a great idea, thank you!
  4. J

    "What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

    @brokenhearted822 When you're cooking what types of food do you make? What does your day look like?
  5. J

    "What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

    @imma Thank you! Both for the information and the congrats lol 😊 I think that's going to end up on my list of rules lol It's interesting reading the spacing of your meals... I have always done either smaller "meals" like every 2-3 hours or swung the other way with 3 huge meals at breakfast...
  6. J

    "What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

    @englishmuffin Yeah, all the rethinking is helping me a lot... never really processed anything much when I was losing before 😆 Trying to be smarter about it this time! Thank you, the information really helps a lot!!
  7. J

    "What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

    @gypsy2300 Oh wow, lots of variety here! It really helps to imagine the daily patterns with the fitness part attached! Thank you!!
  8. J

    "What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

    @sbeat Oh that's an amazing idea! And I do love salsa lol This one is going on the menu plan now!
  9. J

    "What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

    @pandafan Yeah lol, potatoes and pasta are my big ones. Thank you so much for the recipe, I will write it down now!
  10. J

    "What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

    @pandafan Ooo I'm going to make my own chips!! 😆 I'm actually going to try that I think And I'll try the pepper and Tabasco too!
  11. J

    I went off track for FOUR DAYS and I gained 3 pounds. Just feeling really frustrated. 5’2” SW 125 GW 120 CW 126.6

    @adriana28 I'm going to upset some people here, but ah well... 3 lbs is ~10500 calories. Spread over 4 days that would be 2625 calories per day. Not total, not over your deficit, but over your maintenance. So if your maintenance is 1800 and you were eating 4,425 calories per day for 4 days...
  12. J

    "What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

    @pandafan Omg thank you! I'll try the sheet pan veggie thing, and I'm sure I can handle that soup idea!! And yeah lol idk why I get paranoid about salt intake when losing weight, I for sure got more from chips/fast food than I do now!!
  13. J

    "What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

    @pandafan Thank you so much! My tomato think is definitely amplified by my salt cravings... I coat them till they're pink lol. And this is insanely helpful, actually. I'm still trying to learn to eat any fruit/veg at all, really... parents never bought them so they're all weird/foreign to me...
  14. J

    "What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

    @pandafan Oh for sure, I'm not going to cut any more calories atm... just trying to visualize the end game, lol Adding in more fruit and veg like you suggest should probably ve my next step... I only get very token amounts as it stands... and most of that's tomatoes 😆
  15. J

    "What is normal eating?" 5'1 43F 274.4>234.4=40lb lost

    I've always struggled with this. I've always been obese, not just overweight, and although originally it was due to childhood abuse and trauma... I'm 43 years old. While those things still affect my choices and my control (I binge in fugue states), a lot of the time I'm telling myself "it's...
  16. J

    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @butterfly2222 I mean, I do have my cake and eat it too, cause I can only afford half a slice at a time ;/ But yeah, the "I don't want to do that," or "I shouldn't have to do that," is pretty irritating. Like... well... I can't change the way science, sorry. 😂