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  1. M

    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @ironrose I ran 4 miles last night and checked my weight for the first time in 2 weeks this morning (no food no water, used the restroom) is that why my weight is up almost 3 pounds? Got so sad when I saw the number 😞
  2. M

    Weight fluctuations??

    @airamnire Prob should’ve mentioned this in the og post but for like a month I was only doing cardio pretty much and only recently (like within the past 2 weeks) begun lifting weights again.
  3. M

    Weight fluctuations??

    20f SW: 141 CW: ??? GW: 125 UGW:120 So I weighed myself a couple of weeks ago and the scale read 131 and I was so happy! Recently I started upping my workout days to 4-5 days a week instead of 2-3. Fast forward to this week and every single time I weigh myself the scale reads 132. Kind of...