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    I lost 15lbs, I'm 5'7'' and 123 lbs, but I'm still a size 8. Can I do something about it?

    @accurateknowledge That's okay! I like to GI by how my pants feels not he size since so many of them are random numbers
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    I lost 15lbs, I'm 5'7'' and 123 lbs, but I'm still a size 8. Can I do something about it?

    @accurateknowledge It could be a) your bone structure and how you naturally carry weight or b) the pant size of the clothing brands you wear There's nothing wrong with wearing an eight and being a taller than average lady
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    DEXA scan results: 33, 5'4", 141.5 lbs, 19.1%

    @maria90 I'm a pretty bad purple belt, but now that I'm stronger I'm a bit better (bad, I know).
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    Lily Myers "Shrinking Women"

    @babo2013 😀 it is always refreshing when a mew lady goes tough! (Also, I stalked your profile history and we go on pretty much the same subs - keep being awesome. OSSSSS)
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    DEXA scan results: 33, 5'4", 141.5 lbs, 19.1%

    @maria90 Looking great! BJJ purple belt and intermediate powerlifter myself, nice to see someone else so similar! I am 5'6" and just under 140 lbs, but your lifts a lot more advanced! Goals!
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    Lily Myers "Shrinking Women"

    @babo2013 Purple belt here - this makes me smile. The number of new ladies who are afraid of being "white belt spazzes," makes sense, but they're likely not engaging enough. I get taps when I get to mount, and no effort trying to pass guard or hold side. It's funny! I have to convince ladies...
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    How to ignore your scale: 130lbs to 130lbs in just a year and a half!

    @john1277 Can you tell this to my family practice doc?! You look great. She's super into the number on the scale thing, so she's concerned that I'm 5'6'' and around 145-150lbs. My weight has been very stagnant for three years. Overweight is 154 lbs for my weight according to BMI. I lift three...
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    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @acer621 I want to be able to get up from a chair at 90, lift objects without injury and not fall when walking when I'm old. Crazy how dangerous being weak is
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    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @smb7777777 On that note, so many skinny ladies out there who aren't high BF% too. Just really thin and weak :(