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    Most Trainees Lift Too Far Away From Failure (discussion)

    From this article: The article goes on to discuss a meta-analysis which found something similar. What is your guys' take on this? Seems to me like this is confirmation for those pushing progressive overload and the "+1...
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    Low T levels? Maybe I’m tweakin

    @scottpippen Around 500 is good. If you got on TRT, like legit TRT and not something prescribed by a pill mill doctor who just wants to make money off of being a legal steroid dealer, your endocrinologist would be shooting to put you at around 500 anyway.
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    Body part split better than upper/lower?

    @michaelsouby It doesn't matter if you change to a bodypart split or not, but try changing something. In your case, I think changing up rep ranges and swapping a few exercises would be enough to break through plateaus. That said, I enjoy switching in-between UL, PPL, and bodypart splits over...
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    Losing the dad bod

    @wayne1980 Whey mixed in with low fat milk.