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  1. G

    Do I need to bulk to gain muscle mass? 130 pounds, 5’11. Swear I’m like 0% body fat

    @inmajorneedofhelp Update: just accepting being on the skinnier side and embracing nutrition/cardio/kinesthetics over gorging myself every day and looking not very smart at the gym. I also just really dislike gyms in general. So, healthy, and at least I’m not that skinny.
  2. G

    Do I need to bulk to gain muscle mass? 130 pounds, 5’11. Swear I’m like 0% body fat

    @shendude Eventually there will be a plateau though. Idk if I could bench more than 20 right now with the bar weight doing 5 sets of 10 reps. My arms get really tired and I can’t finish the sets.
  3. G

    Do I need to bulk to gain muscle mass? 130 pounds, 5’11. Swear I’m like 0% body fat

    @shendude Would you mind explaining what I should write in my training log? Like how much I lifted that day, if I completed the set and if I didn’t how many reps I got ect? And overloading I assume means trying higher weights?
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    Do I need to bulk to gain muscle mass? 130 pounds, 5’11. Swear I’m like 0% body fat

    @sara50840 I’m eating as much as I can!! 😭😭😭 breakfast is Dave’s English muffin with an avocado on top, two eggs scrambled (I know, but I have my own loved chickens and they’re laying like crazy. I don’t want them to go to waste) a cup of oatmeal with two tbsp of crunchy pb. So in total like, 36...
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    Do I need to bulk to gain muscle mass? 130 pounds, 5’11. Swear I’m like 0% body fat

    Hey everyone so I’m tired of being skinny and want some mass! It’s going to be real hard because my shoulders are bony as hell. I’ve always read about bulking/cutting but it sounds a bit complicated and I want to do minimal macro nutrient counting. I’d like to just generally eat the same thing...
  6. G

    Yo! I’m doing a M/W/F full body workout regimen, wondering if it’s beneficial to get an extra chest session in on Sunday mornings?

    @ai1226 Yeah I hit chest last night I got an awesome pump because I wasn’t working out my arms at all, felt great! Not really sore at all..
  7. G

    Yo! I’m doing a M/W/F full body workout regimen, wondering if it’s beneficial to get an extra chest session in on Sunday mornings?

    Getting a PHAT chest pump is a little hard for me because I’ve always had a super weak chest, but I’ve made a bit of progress. The thing is I’m only doing bench and I feel like I want to add in some dumbell presses and some lay down flys on sundays to get a fatter chest pump and encourage more...