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  1. R

    Consistently terrible F45 results

    @nasa321 Nobody builds significant muscle with F45 classes. Yes there is some resistance training but it's piss poor. If you want muscle, get into the gym and lift, even if you dont enjoy it. Your desire for muscle has to outweigh your distaste of the gym. Your cardiovascular health is almost...
  2. R

    Beginner Questions (Accessories, Volume, Recovery)

    @mhdagley Routine looks solid for a beginner, don't overdo it adding additional exercises. 45 minutes - 1 hour is perfect. Cardio is great but not at the same time as strength training. I run in the morning, and lift in the afternoon. -300 is a great place to start. You'll gain more muscle...
  3. R

    Update: My Zone 2 5K time is 39 mins

    @lanman87 Can you carry on a conversation while running? If so, it's probably "zone 2". That's the easiest method I'm aware of. And seems to hold true for me, based on max HR.
  4. R

    Efficient PPL programming.

    @hurdygurdyman 3x a week is plenty good enough for a beginner but you'd be much better served doing full body each day.