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    3 Things I learned walking 100,000 steps (48 miles!) in a single day, plus tips on long-distance walking:

    @kuriosiesouschristos I'm going to pimp a friend that I went to college with's blog: Walking With Wired. She did a shit ton of long distance through hiking starting with the PCT, then the CDT, and finished the triple crown with the AT. Then she went on and hiked in Arizona, Canada, Switzerland...
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    What are your non scale goals for July/august?

    @uticus Keep hitting the gym 5 days a week. Continue with my goal of walking 100 mi/month Start adding biking back into my commuting routine. My old bike was stolen last fall. I got a new to me bike this spring, but I don't love the fit of it as much as my old bike. But, I also haven't ridden...
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    What percent of your income goes towards fitness?

    @christian2011 I'm too lazy to do math for percentages. I make around $65k in the midwest, single, no kids, live alone in my own small home. Gyms: $35/month; In winter I get a separate membership for more options which is about $30/month. Supplements: I probably spend about $400/yr on...
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    What’s your optimal workout time(s) and what time do you actually do it?

    @hungry_hungry_hippo I'm a big morning person. I like to get my main workout done before the day has the chance to get in the way. I take my dog on a mile walk around 515am. I leave for the gym at 6 and my workout (heavy lifting) tends to take a bit over an hour and then I either head to to...
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @allthingsarebecomenew I rely on the program I'm doing to push me to go harder. Currently I'm building back up after a long absence due to illness, but in the past, I just do what my program tells me. I'm using Stronger By The Day. It tells you the percentages for the weights that you use for...
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    Specialty Running Stores - Worth it?

    @bidadarikeseleo It was definitely worth it for me. The first pair of shoes I got felt good on the dreadmill in the store and running around a short bit outside, but then after doing some longer runs (2-3 mi) the first week they felt off and were causing pain. No problem! They exchanged them for...
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    Can't squat due to mobiliy issues, I'd like to ask some advice!

    @koh Squat shoes can help with the lifting heels. I also have shitty ankle flexibility, but getting some squat shoes really helped. They have a raised heel, but it's solid so you can still push down on it. I have some Inov8 fastlist 360s and they are awesome. I only wear them at the gym and my...
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    I’m going back to the office. How did I workout before work again?!

    @joyinsf I doubled up on my shower stuff and makeup and leave them at work. I'm lucky my work has a locker room with a shower available for use, so I go to the gym, go to work, and then shower and get ready at work. I also keep a pair of shoes that would go with most outfits I wear at my desk...