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  1. S

    Starting over

    @cosmicosmo Enough sleep? What’s sleep? 😂
  2. S

    Starting over

    @bluefleur Oh good, so I’m not the only weird one then 😂
  3. S

    Starting over

    @bluefleur I’ve just never been much of a sugar person, I have no idea why. Even as a kid my grandma said I’d always choose fruit and vegetables over ice cream and shit and she still mocks me relentlessly for it to this day now that I moved back in. They were eating ice cream last night and I...
  4. S

    Starting over

    @rubix I don’t eat sweets, I’m not a big sugar fan. So that’s easy enough. I asked my doctor about getting back into fitness after pregnancy and all she said was hire a trainer. Apparently she doesn’t understand how being poor works 😂
  5. S

    Starting over

    So I was athletic when I was younger. Well I gained 100lbs during my pregnancy with my daughter and never got back under 200 again. Well now I’m pregnant again and still hovering between 240-250 so not too terrible. I’ll be having a second C Section. The part I’m struggling with is coming up...