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  1. J

    First Ever Open

    @entrylevel Well done! It’s always fantastic to see the progress you’ve made! I was in the same DU situation as you and ground it out and RX’d it and I’m glad I did
  2. J

    Can someone explain RX v scaled scoring?

    UPDATE - I spent about 30mins practicing DU today and I reckon I could do single or two DUs at a time so I am going to go try RX and goal of 4 rounds Let’s see how I get on 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. J

    Can someone explain RX v scaled scoring?

    Update on the update - Submitted an RX score of 490 reps today, so 5.5 rounds. Pretty disappointed overall, but considering I’d never done a DU in my life before Saturday, and only practiced for 3 hours at the weekend, cranking out 250 DU for this workout feels pretty epic. No idea where I am...
  4. J

    Can someone explain RX v scaled scoring?

    @gpela For me personally, I’ve never done them in my life until yesterday as I’ve never done CrossFit. I’ve done more of metcon or hybrid/hyrox type training with things like compromised running for a strong engine.
  5. J

    Can someone explain RX v scaled scoring?

    @johndowling That’s exactly how I see it too! I entered to try and qualify for Q/Fs, so RX it’ll be for me
  6. J

    Can someone explain RX v scaled scoring?

    @gvze That’s a really interesting example and actually really helps put the scoring into perspective. Thanks for sharing
  7. J

    Can someone explain RX v scaled scoring?

    @1corithians13 Oh I absolutely agree with the tiered scoring but I just think there is more merit than a the lowest RX score if someone was to do 10 rounds of scaled. There are so many ways you could cut it though, so might as well accept it as it is right?!
  8. J

    Can someone explain RX v scaled scoring?

    @srutz That seems really strange to me but I really appreciate the insight. Guess I’ve got a decision to make. I think I’ll spend the weekend practicing DUs and submit on Monday
  9. J

    Can someone explain RX v scaled scoring?

    This is my first open so Sorry for what may be a simple question for veterans. I’ve also checked the CrossFit site and I can’t a real answer on there. Can someone explain the scoring between RX and Scaled and how it impacts going from Rx to scaled between workouts? I did 24.1 and am in 92%...