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  1. L

    I need some suggestions on important stretches before kettlebell workouts. I’m a beginner

    @travis2014 Dynamic stretching, or light resistance warm-ups have always served me better. Static stretching is generally considered to be more beneficial after a workout. Typically I do 10-15 shoulder dislocates with a broom stick, followed by 10-15 overhead squats with the same broomstick...
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    Anyone else’s body responds better to 1-5 reps ranges?

    @seanni I think it varies. For me, it’s easier to get to or closer to failure with lower reps. Higher reps the lactic acid and burn usually cause me to quit before I actually reach failure. I feel like it’s a lot easier to give everything to squeeze out that 5th or 6th rep than it is the...
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    Tips on creating workout plan

    @blindautist C&P is a great movement for any goal. I’m not knocking that at all, and it is still a staple in my workouts. I learned LOADS from Joe Daniels, Kettlebell Muscle Gain on YouTube. He’s super knowledgeable, and breaks things down in very simple terms for anyone from beginner to...
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    Tips on creating workout plan

    @blindautist This will definitely keep you athletic, but may get boring after a few weeks. I would highly recommend allotting some time to learn new kettlebell movements. Maybe work on the snatch or jerk for a few minutes each day as warm-up cool down. Or even practice them with very light...
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    What does e/s means?

    @sarahharpmusic Definitely means “each side”. So “4- 5 x 5 e/s” means you will do four or five reps on one side, then repeat on the other side. Also, those programs are great. Best of luck with it!