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  1. S

    Consistency v. Obsession

    @jacobus7522 Thanks for your motivating words. I actually already do my strength and cardio sesiones at home, as the gyms here suck lol. I only have a few sets of dumbells but it covers my needs (and compared to how I felt after working out at an actual gym, I somehow achieve more?)
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    Consistency v. Obsession

    @lilmateo I'm glad you found a way that works for you. Part of my journey has been realising that I cannot compare myself to others or think about what they think of me. I try not to track too much, apart from knowing what I did so I dont do my beloved leg day everyday lol. I dont even weigh or...
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    Consistency v. Obsession

    @luis729 Thanks, I'll check those out for sure
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    Consistency v. Obsession

    @joel_mutua I love this idea! It feels so freeing to look at the larger picture of 365 days, rather than zooming in on what I did over the last week or even month. Thank you so much for sharing, this is going to be a life-changing mindset update for me! Hope you have a great day!
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    Consistency v. Obsession

    @4teacherva Congratulations on staying clean, that is a huge achievement. I'm an ex addict myself, and I totally get what you are saying with needing to obsess about something...and claro, better for it to be a healthy obsession.
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    Consistency v. Obsession

    @dawn16 For sure, rest days are super important - for some reason I have to do everything the hard way, so I got pretty burnt-out back at the end of 2020. Recently I have been mixing yoga + mobility workouts into my routine, and that seems to be working nicely. Although its hard sometimes to...
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    Consistency v. Obsession

    @broncofan Thank you for being so supportive. I like the idea of writing a letter, and have done similar exercises in the past, so I will get onto that.
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    Consistency v. Obsession

    @broncofan Thanks for your response. My main goal is to remain healthy as I age, so I can hopefully avoid relying on other people when I get older. I do occasionally make a small goal with achieving something, like when I started swimming it was to get up to 40 lengths of the pool per session...
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    Consistency v. Obsession

    Exercising regularly has been part of my life for maybe ... 5 years now. Something that I have learnt about myself over this time is that I have excellent self-discipline around being consistent when it comes to working out (if you know Gretchen Rubin's 4 tendencies, I am 100% obliger). However...