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    For those of you who don’t belong to a traditional box..

    @san422 Nice. That is one thing, the gym I currently go to has everything I would need and more to do a lot of WODs. And I would have the benefit of using the other equipment/amentities. If my financial situation allows, I still want to join a box for the community and to compete with others.
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    For those of you who don’t belong to a traditional box..

    @afirstbornson Lol. Can confirm the funny looks as most of the people in my gym are more into bodybuilding. I train for me and me only, however, you would surprised at the amount of people who ask me what I do and the looks are usually because they’re impressed lol.
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    For those of you who don’t belong to a traditional box..

    @jessicaterra Lol! I feel ya. There have been some WODs I haven’t been a fan of. My training mirrors yours in that I usually start with a couple core lifts and a WOD that follows. I’m doing about 5 WODs a week and loving it.
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    For those of you who don’t belong to a traditional box..

    @pamsight Nice. I like your approach. I find I train best in a fasted state too. People usually think you’re crazy when you tell them you train on an empty stomach. I feel so much lighter and efficient.
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    For those of you who don’t belong to a traditional box..

    @pamsight Wow. Do you feel your best that early? I will have to look into MTI.
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    For those of you who don’t belong to a traditional box..

    @gelb1472 Wow this looks intense 😳 thank you!
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    For those of you who don’t belong to a traditional box..

    @dawn16 I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been self sufficient when it comes to training as I have an exercise science background. I will admit that I miss the competition and ‘team’ feeling which I think attracts me to the idea of joining a box more than anything else. However I also love to zone out...
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    For those of you who don’t belong to a traditional box..

    @dawn16 Cool. I appreciate the advice! I will check them out.
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    For those of you who don’t belong to a traditional box..

    What is your training like? Do you follow a specific program? Program yourself? Have a coach? Genuinely curious how you warriors get after it everyday. Why I ask is because I recently started the transition to a CrossFit style training approach. My whole life i had trained for football. Played...