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    Workout planner tool inspired by 3DMJ's book Muscle & Strength pyramid

    @sspx_teen That means that you have 37 sets hitting shoulders weekly. If the exercise has that muscle group as target muscle - we count as 1 set. If the exercise has that muscle group as synergist - we count as 0.5 set (configurable in Settings). Red color means you're way outside of the...
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    Workout planner tool inspired by 3DMJ's book Muscle & Strength pyramid

    @liz1965 Oh nice, kinda similar to what I made, that's good :) Also doing the set number per muscle group, split between strength/hypertrophy, frequency - cool! Thanks for sharing!
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    Workout planner tool inspired by 3DMJ's book Muscle & Strength pyramid

    I recently finished the 3DMJ's books - the training pyramid and the nutrition pyramid. They're so awesome! Probably the best books I've read so far on lifting and nutrition. It felt a bit tricky to apply the program building principles in practice. For nutrition, they have FitGenie app (which...
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    Weightlifting workout builder

    @tsujido No, if you're a beginner, you probably better to stick to proven existing programs, like the ones from IMHO you don't really need to hit 100% for each muscle group. I mean it's nice if you could, and have enough volume for each muscle group, but that probably will...
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    Weightlifting programs builder - non imaginary anymore

    After last week post about "imaginary" weightlifting workout builder, I was so excited to build it, so I spent days and nights coding it, and this is my first version of the tool: The idea was to have a tool, that'd allow you to plan the workouts, making sure...
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    Weightlifting workout builder

    @dragonfruit10 I like the idea, it should definitely simplify things, thank you! Lemme try it out and play around with it.
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    Weightlifting workout builder

    @dragonfruit10 Yeah, I saw some research somewhere where the subjects had diminishing returns after 10-15 sets per muscle group I think with 70%RM, and the web page uses exactly that for calculating the weekly volume 100%. If I understood you correctly, you suggest using RIR instead of reps+%RM...
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    Progressive overload variations

    @liz1965 8 RPE on each set?
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    Progressive overload variations

    @jordanconnect Woah, never saw anybody tracking fractions of reps, that's fun! Do you feel you have multiple weak points on most exercises? For me it's usually one single point, and if I'm after it - I can finish the set. But there's usually that one point where it's the hardest to go through it.
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    Weightlifting workout builder

    @dragonfruit10 Yeah, probably some hypertrophy program would work better... It's kinda hard to calculate proper weekly volume without %1RM though, because it really depends on that. With 65% 1RM you'd need to have more sets/reps than with like 85% to get enough volume...
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    Weightlifting workout builder

    A couple weeks ago I posted about "imaginary" weightlifting workout builder, I was so excited to build it, so I spent days and nights coding it, and this is my first version of the tool: The idea was to have a tool, that'd allow you to plan the workouts, making...
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    Progressive overload variations

    @dawn16 That's nice, but that doesn't work for me unfortunately. I never feel motivated or strong to add weights :) So, I need a system that pushes me to do so, even if I'm not feeling it.
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    Progressive overload variations

    @kebo Ah, I missed it - so each set kinda maintains its own weight? That's even more interesting, I've never seen schemes like that. I'm going to try it out too, sounds pretty fun.
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    Progressive overload variations

    @kebo I kinda like it, I feel like with regular double progression you eventually end up with e.g. 2 first sets far from failure, and you only get to real struggle at the last one. If we only target the first set for weight increase, it may prolong the time you're pushing the limits for all the...
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    Progressive overload variations

    @johnc101 Man, this is awesome list, thank you! What is "dc training"?
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    Progressive overload variations

    @fltom Like sum all the reps from all sets and divide by number of sets?
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    Progressive overload variations

    Besides the standard ones, like: Linear Progression - the most popular beginner one, where we increase weight each session, or every N sessions Double Progression - where we increase reps in range (like 8-12), and at the top of the range increase the weight and reset the reps to the lowest in...