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  1. K

    16kg to 32kg TGU - 256 days

    @penaia That's no mini milestone. That's a big one to hit.
  2. K

    Is S&S really enough? Read mor for context. Im pretty new to this fitness thing

    @mr_loevinger Honestly, I have had a steel mace sitting in the corner for a couple years because there isn’t much out there that I found useful for programming until I saw Wildman’s work. Swinging it and my 35lb club is probably the most fun I have had with weight training in my life. S&S is...
  3. K

    Is S&S really enough? Read mor for context. Im pretty new to this fitness thing

    @mr_loevinger S&S really scratched that itch for me and did a lot to bring my strength and conditioning up, including shoulder health and mobility. I highly recommend it. I made it to sinister in about 10 months, but I will go back to it as a reset for a couple weeks after I complete other...
  4. K

    S&S or Q&D for a beginner?

    @matthewleaird S&s for sure. You build the right technique before you start trying to run against the clock. Can't recommend it enough. Even if you aren't a beginner, S&S is a great program. I use it as a deload between cycles of clean and jerk. Really helps center you and you get strength gains...