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  1. C

    What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

    @brianhex Not doing shoulder prehab as much as I should - even though I keep complaining about wonky shoulders. I'm getting better at it tho! Not pushing myself/progressing in cardio. And like someone else said, I never do abs.
  2. C

    I made a r/xxfitness Search Engine that indexes ALL posts and Q&A megathreads

    @samwan SO. USEFUL. I'm starting to research another aspect of fitness & got uh-mazing results using this. Thank you! wanders off to use it in r/fitness Is this going to be put somewhere for easy access or should I bookmark this sucker?
  3. C

    Squat Form Check

    @genxgen229 I'm still hesitant to squat shoeless. I feel like I'm going to slip in socks. But it's something I can try before buying squat shoes. The plate under the foot is something else I can try before new shoes. Looks like heels rising can be due to calf tightness, so I'm also going to be...
  4. C

    Squat Form Check

    @byastian Thanks - it does make sense. I'll focus on that the next I squat.
  5. C

    Squat Form Check

    I can't seem to keep the bar centered over the middle of my foot. I feel like I'm staying as upright as possible but the bar comes down forward of where I understand it's supposed to be. I've seen videos where they impose a straight line, perpendicular to middle of a the lifter's foot. I don't...