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    Workout Equipment You Love vs. Never Use

    @aladinjafar My program doesn't have landmine specific lifts but I ended up switching out RDL for Landmine DL. I know I'm a real rebel switching out a lift like that.
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @dawn16 The program I run is 4xs a week and usually takes me about 45 min to an hour. It's split between two lower body days and two upper body days. From what someone else suggested I might need a trainer though because my lifts aren't that great for how long I have been at it.
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @deadpool Thanks for letting me know about the error. I uploaded a new link through a different image hosting site so it should work now. Thanks for your experience and thoughts on this. I'm not sure if I have a wide ribe cage but I do have one pokey rib that flairs out so it definitely shows...
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @selene03 Yes, I struggle with all those which makes it difficult to get my nutrition on point.
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @dmm Thank you for the info. I'll take a look at your post and r/gzcl. It seems that I have been sabotaging my own efforts by trying to eat at a deficit while lifting and expecting to build muscle. I think I'm going to try eating at maintenance and push myself more in lifting. Thank you again...
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @bibletruths Thank you for sharing. That must have been mentally and physically exhausting to be lifting and struggling with an eating disorder at the same time. I’m realizing the huge impact nutrition has for the outcome of lifting from this post. I always knew it played a role but I thought it...
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @katew I thought my lifts were lack luster considering how long I have been at it for. I thought following a training program by Meg Squats would give me the boost but you might be right that I need someone there to push me and tailor a program to my needs. I had a personal trainer for the first...
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @deerlane There have been a couple suggestions for Macrofactor app. I'll give it a try and see if it helps. Thank you.
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @hemahe Awesome! Thanks for sharing. It's helpful to see results from others with similar builds.
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @joshualamont Wow really? This is great to hear. I hope my body acts the same way because I'm tired of trying to eat only 1400 cals.
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @clairedet That's encouraging to hear that recomp is not limited to new lifters. Thanks for the podcast recommendation. I love podcasts so if you have any other great ones let me know. I think after everything I have read I'm going to go with eating at maintenance and see how my body reacts.
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    Here are the pictures of what I currently look like. (NSFW) Height-5'4", weight-121 lbs., age-34 I have a short waist and tend to carry most of my fat on my midsection. It's the first place I seem to put weight on and the last place to budge. Goal: I have always wanted some defined abs. By...