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    Advice needed, did I hit my genetic ceiling?

    @gwpga17 You probably need to look at how much you are eating. I'm curious to know how many calories you consume daily. 2800 is bottom maintainance for me. 3200 is about as much as I'm comfortable eating a day for a bulk.
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    Getting in shape

    @ckaf Barbell bench press. Barbell standing overhead press. Barbell back squat. Bent over barbell row. Big compound barbell exercises. All the ones you are doing are good but they are very isolated. These exercises listed will grow you. Of course you can still do smaller exercises but these...
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    Getting in shape

    @ckaf My advice is start hitting the big compounds. Those will give you the most effect for your effort. Though the lat pulldown and reverse fly are quality exercises. You need more press work and squats, etc.
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    Is this a good schedule/routine for a beginner?

    @skubadiving247 If your goals are simply to be healthy than this is absolutely fine.
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    Help me pick a workout!

    @araz I'm not sure what "I'm skinny I need hypertrophy means." That's false and a misconception. Sets of 5 doing compounds will put on size. If you don't want to be skinny, this will help you not be skinny. You also have hypertrophy exercises for sets of 15 in this. Honestly rep ranges aren't...
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    Help me pick a workout!

    @araz Ohh haha. You already have a workout you posted. I see what you're saying now. That being said don't think about rep ranges too hard. I was 130lbs when I started working out. I started with a 5x5 full body program similar to this one. It started the building blocks to my progress. Now I'm...
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    Help me pick a workout!

    @araz I just wanted to know if you even had access to a gym. Good stuff. I would just start with a 5x5 plan to get you used to compound movements. Buff dudes have a 5x5 plan that's super easy to get into but here's a mock up. Barbell bench press 5x5/ Barbell back squat 5x5 / Pull ups 3 sets to...
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    Help me pick a workout!

    @araz Commercial gym Yay or nay?
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    Help me pick a workout!

    @araz What are you looking to achieve? And do you have access to a commercial gym?
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    Trying to build a routine and looking for feedback!

    @spanda10 I'd also like to ask a few more things. Front squat lunges? You've combined two movements together somehow? And your big compound exercises are 8 sets of 3 reps? Or is it 3 sets of 8 reps?
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    Trying to build a routine and looking for feedback!

    @spanda10 I would switch out good mornings as I feel they're less valuable than lunges. Hip adduction is a fantastic exercise machine to use. Or you could do any core exercise for sure.
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    Workout Routine: Suggestions Please

    @steve11987 That's fair. It's unfortunate if you can't do them but if it keeps causing you pain then it's just not worth it.
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    Trying to build a routine and looking for feedback!

    @spanda10 Yeah! Add this day and keep your days as well. I have six workouts that I alternate between each week (3 days a week) for my full body plan. A lot of them end up being somewhat of a theme. One day is way more chest and tricep focused. Another day is all back and legs. It's still full...
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    Trying to build a routine and looking for feedback!

    @spanda10 Standing barbell overhead press 3 sets of 8 reps Incline dumbbell curls 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps Concentration curls 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps Cable rope extensions 5 to 6 sets of 10 to 15 reps Lying or seated leg curls 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps Elliptical work. What do you think of this...
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    Trying to build a routine and looking for feedback!

    @spanda10 Of course. Feel free to ask me anything. I really enjoy three days full body haha.
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    Gym guy (60s) yells at me (27 F) in gym

    @nickblack Best thing to do is just get gym management. Sorry that happened.
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    Workout Routine: Suggestions Please

    @steve11987 Nah it looks fine. I wouldn't want to be doing that many exercises myself, but you're also not completely gassing one single area of your body with a slew of variations. So that's good. I don't really have plan advice since it looks fine but I can offer good exercises to try it...
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    Trying to build a routine and looking for feedback!

    @spanda10 Your second day is pretty good. If not a little fatiguing to central nervous system. You have a ton of leg work, going with lots of lower body in both workouts. Bench is your only pressing movement. So in your program currently you have a lot of lower body leg work and some decent...
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    What’s your opinion?

    @podlife Makes much more sense. But looks good. Lots of quality exercises. That's what you need for full body.
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    Trying to build a routine and looking for feedback!

    @spanda10 Full body three days a week is my shtick lol. It's cool to see someone wanting to try it out. It looks pretty random honestly. Very interesting choice of exercise selection. No direct arm work, no machine work for that matter. Do you only have access to barbells and dumbbells?