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    Your Foolproof Guide to Training (Version 1.3)

    Cheers, r/kettlebell! Welcome to the third issue of Your Foolproof Guide to Training! This post series is meant to help subreddit members establish basic strength and conditioning abilities with their kettlebells by laying out organized training sessions every week and providing a place to log...
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    This one is for the lurkers - what are you working on and what do you need help with right now?

    @zjicez If you can, you should lock the elbow at the top of the press. Locking out the elbow will likely make the movement safer overall
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    On week 4 of training 3x a week...How long until I see results?

    @householder29 Sorry to hear you’ve been in pain. That’s definitely not fun! Which lifts bother your hip? Squats, deadlifts, lunges? Sometimes we have folks squat to a box to limit range of motion. Many people can passively get to a deep squat because a load is pushing them down but they...
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    This one is for the lurkers - what are you working on and what do you need help with right now?

    @aspirational We went into this a little here. It can be tough with one kettlebell so the key is to just work as hard as you can with it on a select few skills (swings, squats, presses, rows).
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    Got to get rid of the last 15-20 lbs, advice?

    @gmojis We have had great success with the RP Diet app. In terms of increasing your TDEE, do you track step count? That’s an easy way to move things along without necessarily eating less food. Aim for 7-12k steps per day in addition to your normal training.
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    This one is for the lurkers - what are you working on and what do you need help with right now?

    @wem16211 I think this is pretty common and definitely something I struggle with. Always jealous of the folks with amazing elbow lock outs. Hopefully some others can chime in with some great overhead drills. It could be range of motion limited in shoulder flexion (that top overhead position)...
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    This one is for the lurkers - what are you working on and what do you need help with right now?

    @wezo777 Maybe I’ll make that the Christmas session 😁
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    This one is for the lurkers - what are you working on and what do you need help with right now?

    @wezo777 Pentathlon!! Such a cool event. I've been avoiding it so far lol, one day, one day! ER can be a tough one but once you find some good drills or positions to work it then you just need to do it consistently. This is one of my favorite ER drills. You can also do the same set up with a...
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    This one is for the lurkers - what are you working on and what do you need help with right now?

    @jessecomer You can always snag premade programs but I get that not everyone wants to do that. We’ve been making our own for years. This is generally what we do. For strength, start with the basics: Squats Hinges Presses Rows Do each at least twice a week. One day train two skills with...
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    Recommended KB Programs for kids (7-10 yr olds)

    @sayjay9274 I think it’s most important to find what she likes. There’s so many ways to move our bodies. If we’re doing something we dread, it will never stick. Take time to explore different types of activities. And things you can do as a family so she doesn’t feel like she’s doing it alone...
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    List of Kettlebell Strength Standards Using StrengthLevel

    @raykay Yes, just the general categories (beginner to elite) and the associated weights. I see you did some of them. I guess each skill would have to be done individually which is a pain but the info is really insightful!
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    List of Kettlebell Strength Standards Using StrengthLevel

    @raykay This is super cool. I think the list looks decent. It suggests 2x40kg squat and 48kg press being at the higher end. Also saw ~60kg on the goblet squat. No doubt those are tough lifts. I’d say it’s fairly comparable from a strength perspective of benchmarks to shoot for. Performing...
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    This one is for the lurkers - what are you working on and what do you need help with right now?

    @tysa Definitely worth a form check! For me one of the biggest realizations that improved my cleans was that leg drive makes for a soft landing. It seems counterintuitive because there’s more force involved but if you can get them to “float” out of hip extension you will be able to loosen...
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    Progressing from 16 to 20s

    @danit1999 That’s awesome! Huge progress!
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    What are y’all’s go to programs to compliment BJJ?

    @7seals Gotcha. Strength volume definitely varies per person but it sounds like for your schedule focusing on the medium and heavy weights would be the best use of your time and still allow you to recover for jiu jitsu. If you stay anywhere 80-300 lifts per month for each skill, and again...
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    This one is for the lurkers - what are you working on and what do you need help with right now?

    @robertza Nice job! That’s a great start! I think posting a form check is always a smart idea. There are tons of people to learn from here and sometimes hearing things differently makes it click. It may also be valuable to learn Spine CARs and techniques for bracing. Being mobile through...
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    What are y’all’s go to programs to compliment BJJ?

    @7seals How often are you training BJJ? We have a number of clients who are hobbyists or compete and they do well with 2-3 days strength work but the volume is generally lower due to all of their other training. Focus on 5-8RM loads and stay within 10-30 working reps of each weight and skill...
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    This one is for the lurkers - what are you working on and what do you need help with right now?

    @patriarch28 Great work! It's always awesome to have a program you can just pull up and knock out each day. So much less effort than piecing it together one session at a time. Denis Vasilev's videos are excellent for learning the snatch: Usually if you're tearing up your hands it's from...