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  1. P

    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @anon103 Ha! Good catch.
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    Newbie question: why does 'to failure' feel different for different muscles?

    @joelthen Not sure why you got downvoted. Certain lifts require good technique to avoid injury, but certain lifts can be sloppy and you'll still get gains without risking injury.
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @pakkaw Right? Isn't judging someone because of their gender what we're trying to move away from?
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @camo320 I don't know if you're stupid, but reading a paragraph from the article is not the same as reading the article.
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @camo320 Hmm. This makes it sound like you didn't read the articles.
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @camo320 I'm not sure why you're fighting the conclusions of the Stronger by Science articles.
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    How does your hamstring strength compare to your quads (e.g. leg curl vs leg extension)?

    @yttrium Muscle imbalances interest me, as I'm middle aged and more interested in lifelong fitness and injury prevention. My understanding for hams/quads is that a ratio around 70-75% is considered ideal (I'm still trying to figure out how they arrived at these numbers, and how they translate to...
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @dynamitex I don't know why there isn't one on this post. It might be sub rule.
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @dynamitex Perfect. Thank you. If there was an "Edit Post" option I would add these to the OP.
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @djstav Natural. Not on performance enhancing drugs. People on PEDs recover faster and can handle more volume, so their training protocols will reflect that. Other commenters are correct that once you're at the intermediate stage, you should be able to adjust elements of your own programming to...
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    I found this video from Dr. Mike/Renaissance Periodization on differences in training for men and women. I know I've wondered about programming, as basically I do programs aimed at men (and not necessarily natty men) and I wonder if I would get better results if someone more experienced than me...