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    Exercises you can do in bed?

    @sonaz Give these a try. There is a weeks worth and all you need is some weights.
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    Feeling disappointed

    @fayerie91 Don’t give up . I’ve been at it for 3 months and the scale is the same and the before/after pictures are only showing a little change. But personally I feel healthier and stronger and what changes there was only started the last couple weeks. Muscles weigh more than fat so I expect...
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    Advice needed

    @singerpoet I had issues with making a workout a habit as well in the beginning. What I did was look for a workout challenge to get me started. There are lots of them out there and if you work to complete them then they can get you into the habit. I did a 28 day calisthenics challenge to get me...
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    Gym beginner

    @quirkycanuck No gym near me unfortunately. Closest I’ve got to a coach is YouTube. I watch Dr Mike for help with technique as a lot of what he does focuses on that. He promotes learning good form on weights before using machines in the beginning because that will help you the most later on...
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    What are the best ways build muscle from home?

    @peacefan I’m new as well (3 months) to working out and had a lot of questions. I did the YouTube rabbit hole research thing. What I started out with was a 28 day calisthenics challenge to help get me in a routine and habit of working out. I then added on weights as well. I wanted to see...