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    Got to get rid of the last 15-20 lbs, advice?

    @samamph Thanks for the response and link. Interesting read. I framed the alcohol as incremental because that is exactly what it would be for me. I have also never physically counted calories though, including many years of wrestling and BJJ, so that probably impacts my frame of reference...
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    Got to get rid of the last 15-20 lbs, advice?

    @samamph I understand the idea that alcohol itself has poor efficiency in turning to fat, but aren't you extrapolating that idea a bit far? If daily calories are all equal then sure, but if two people have the exact same TDEE and diet, but one adds a few daily drinks on top (say light beer or...
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    Nerd Math - the Mark of the Wildman (The 'Missing Playlist' for Mark Wildman's "Nerd Math" Kettlebell Programming)

    @faithinmet I can't speak for others, but there is a certain smugness that irritates me, and he takes forever to explain anything. I tried watching his stuff when I first started with Kettlebells, but couldn't make it through his videos. He might have excellent advice (I really don't know...
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    Where are my elk hunters?

    @eloise For weight training, I liked 5/31 Krypteia. Keeps you moving and hits the legs hard as written in 531 Forever. Squat and DL days, and then goblet squats for Bench/OHP days. Pair with rucking/running, and you'll be good.