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  1. K

    Safest pressing exercise for shoulders

    @harmonmarie His video's are pretty chaotic, but all the info is there. His paid material is just a pdf that's more structured. And depending on the subscription you get video calls with one of the coaches. If you need the coaching I would go to a physicial therapist. I went to one when I...
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    Safest pressing exercise for shoulders

    @harmonmarie Look for the kneesovertoes guy on youtube. He has some goed shoulder routines. Depending on the load You can use them as workout or a warm up for other pressing movements. Offcourse there are other YouTubers out there with similar routines. KOT is just one I personally like.
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    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    @maranatha111 Well, I think all my answers are mentioned in my post. It's a challenge, not a program. I had a lot of of cardio gains. And I wouldn't recommend this to a complete beginner. Just as you wouldn't send an unexperienced person on a superlong hiking trip :-)
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    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    @geekfreak Same thing here! A blister under the callus. It ripped and got somewhat infected. I used weightlifting tape after that.
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    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    @evilarm Thans, I will check it out!
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    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    @evilarm We often had strongman training at my crossfit and I really liked it! Too bad there are no gyms nearby that offer this. Might look into kettlebell sport. Are there online competitions?
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    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    @hunter101 Good luck man! The hardest part is the middle when you realize how you already did and how much you still need to do. And totally agreed on the 5%. It's not worth it if you don't enjoy it.
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    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    @nickybol Thanks! I usually workout at 6 AM. So the baby and my wife were just getting up by the time I was finished. But I'm dialing back the morning sessions. By friday I was a wreck. I have a 32kg kettlebell. I some use it for low rep swings. Don't think it did more than 10 in set. Might...
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    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    @iamcliff Thanks!
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    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    @scottpryor You are right. I didn't made that clear enough! I was indeed referring to the original rep scheme. I read (almost) everything about the challenge and ended op on the 40-30-20-10 scheme. Which was only like this on paper and for keeping track of the reps. Most of the time it was...
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    10.000 Swings Experience/Review

    I did the 10.000 swings challenge. The key takeaways are in the TLDR, the longform review is below. (I’m not native English. But I tried) |TLDR| It’s hard. Especially on the grip. Depending on the strategy it’s mentally hard or boring. Choose one. You’ll improve your technique, grip and...