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    1 Year Progress Post! (Lots of Info)

    @born1985 FitnessFAQ's, Tom Merrick, Gabo Saturno - I have only heard high quality information from all of these guys!
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    1 Year Progress Post! (Lots of Info)

    @twins4heaven I know that PDF you're taking about! Haha Glad to hear you liked it and that sounds like a solid plan. I think I'll end up switching to upper lower in the next week or two. Also your handstand I think looks pretty good! It's all totally subjective though. I spent a lot of time...
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    Every Push-Up Progression. THE Push Up Index

    @kingsluggo F! lmao thanks for the correction, not sure how I managed to see that so many times and not notice. Thanks for the correction!
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    2 Year Progress Post! (follow up)

    @j_g94 I honestly slacked on my cardio a lot. I would do 5 minutes of an elliptical as a warm up at the office before covid. I'd also walk a mile or two on my lunch on days I didn't work out. During covid I've been pretty sedentary. Maybe 2 bike rides a month and not a lot of walking. I have...
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    Every Push-Up Progression. THE Push Up Index

    @thinker108 I might have to! This was a ton of work to make, so I'll have to judge it against other projects I'm working on, but I will put it on my list of things I can work on!
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    1 Year Progress Post! (Lots of Info)

    @twins4heaven Thank you! Glad we are both here! Congrats! I've never liked the idea of full body, but have you had any success with an upper lower split? I've been hearing a lot about that as of late and like the idea of 3 times a week frequency for everything if my body allows it.
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    3 Years of Calisthenics (Lots of info)

    @flairy I don't do much if any abb work, but the front lever is just basically a harder version of a dragon flag, considered the hardest abb exercise so front lever training helped me for sure.
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    2 Year Progress Post! (follow up)

    @j_g94 You've probably heard this before, but I'll reiterate jt... Inputs vs outputs. Working out consistently gives you a boost in how much energy you're spending/outputting. If you diet along with that and can stay consistent you'll slowly widdle away at your body fat. On the other hand if...
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    2 Year Progress Post! (follow up)

    @karinjeanne Nope, Irish and Costa Rican parents, though probably some ancestors in Spain. My mom is from Costa Rica and I believe her grandparents or great grandparents came from Europe/Spain.
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    1 Year Progress Post! (Lots of Info)

    @startingover18 4-6 times a week for 50 min to 1 hour and a half. The biggest difference maker between me training all the time and not wanting to go to the gym was finding a goal/motivator that made me want to workout as much as I could to get there. (pro tip: don't set a schedule/date for...
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    DIY Bench for Dragon Flags & Nordic Curls/GHR Guide

    @thomaslowrens About $30 worth of metal pipe. Someone else pointed out in the video that they're redundant too. I agree unless you're in the very particular situation of wanting to use it just for dragon flags and don't have a trx straps. Then the gap from the feet allow you to grab the board...
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    Every Push-Up Progression. THE Push Up Index

    @dawn16 LMAO, yes possible but it sounds like a recipe for me to headbutt my floor
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    2 Year Progress Post! (follow up)

    @karinjeanne Eerily uncanny resemblance.... 😂😂😂
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    DIY Bench for Dragon Flags & Nordic Curls/GHR Guide

    @atheautistic Nothing comes to mind, sorry. I use the arm of my couch personally.
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    3 Years of Calisthenics (Lots of info)

    @robz Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it!
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    1 Year Progress Post! (Lots of Info)

    @believer777 I work out my abbs pretty often. I really like dragon flags as well so progressing in that definitely gave me some abb gains. Diet is a huge part, but I also don't carry much fat at all on my stomach (mostly sits on my back). So genetics plays some roll for sure with your abbs...
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    3 Years of Calisthenics (Lots of info)

    @am0516 Yes, for biceps and external rotators, but never for main compound exercises. But when I was recovering from injuries, I found it waaayyy more effective for gaining back strength to do machines and basic bodybuilding exercises. Much easier to load super light and get strong mind muscle...
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    1 Year Progress Post! (Lots of Info)

    @lida09 Haha thank you very much! Hoping I'll never have to do that 😂
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    Every Push-Up Progression. THE Push Up Index

    @marussell95 I would work with whatever progression you can do 8 of or more. Then do somewhere between 70%-90% of whatever your max is. Looking for between 5-20 sets per muscle group per week. That should set you in the right direction for volume, obviously I don't know a ton about your...
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    1 Year Progress Post! (Lots of Info)

    @dawn16 Hi! Thank you for the compliment and the in depth post! I am young (23) with previous weight lifting experience, so I think things moved along for me quick at the beginning. And progress has tapered down a ton, which I think is represented in the two graphs I posted. Sorry I didnt...