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  1. L

    Where do you store your personal records?

    @ciel Boxmate, my head, and my RP app I guess.
  2. L

    I’m the crying girl

    @godswill4me Care because you want people to be happy not sad?
  3. L

    I’m the crying girl

    @tantrik Someone has to be last in every single WOD (unless it’s an AMRAP or whatever) 🤷🏻‍♀️ You can be fucking awesome and still be last. @OP, Karen is the workout that made me cry. And vomit a little bit. I have also cried being desperately desperately sad at being limited by my inflammatory...
  4. L

    Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

    @alwaysanxious Penguin taps still won’t work if you don’t have the rhythm and timing right. I can jump and do fast or slow penguin taps, or do the tap slightly earlier or later. Still a good tool to try but they’re definitely not “the” trick.