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  1. N

    6 month DEXA update! 31% to 25.7% BF

    @waj30 Gotcha! I never understood the difference before, Thanks!
  2. N

    6 month DEXA update! 31% to 25.7% BF

    @waj30 Is there a difference between TDEE and BMR if you have a sedentary lifestyle? I just started working out again 3 days/week but before I was sitting in class 8hr/day. Was my TDEE and BMR the same when I was getting
  3. N

    6 month DEXA update! 31% to 25.7% BF

    @7an13l So I notice on the DEXA scan report it calculates your resting metabolic rate to be ~1200 calories. This seems really low to me? Or maybe I just am a person who needs to eat more food? I know that calculation doesn't include daily exercise, but do you find that number to be accurate? If...