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    What are you current max lifts by body weight?

    @janicekumala Lol no way on that ohp- 90x4 and 85x7 are my best sets. Deadlift was tough for a while but one week I decided to just throw as much weight as I could on each lift and see what happened and apparently I was leaving a lot on the floor with deadlift and added a ton of weight. Now...
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    What are you current max lifts by body weight?

    @promel10 Thanks. I was feeling good that day and just went for as many as possible.
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    Q: How to get over a thought "I wanted to start earlier, but didn't"?

    @angelina70 I definitely wish I would have made fitness and specifically weightlifting a part of my life much easier. I grew up a nerdy kid, and unfortunately lifting is associated with meathead bro’s, so I never considered it. I was always pretty active and skinny, but now that I’m lifting and...
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    What are you current max lifts by body weight?

    @promel10 Idk - to be fair, these are predicted 1RM’s from Strong app. My current best sets are: Squat - 155 x 15 Deadlift - 175 x 6 So it seems like that best set with the squats rocketed up my predicted 1RM. I’ve only really tried to do 1 rep maxes once. I typically workout alone in a...
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    What are you current max lifts by body weight?

    @jpaulhansen 5’8 155 lbs Bench press - 145 lbs Squat - 250 lbs Deadlift - 205 lbs OHP - 105 lbs Coming up on one year lifting. Feels like the lower lifts progress a lot faster than upper. Progression has been tough on the bench at times.
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    Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

    @darksoul999 I’m doing PPLU, so doing PPL but adding one upper day to hit all the upper stuff one more time each week.
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    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    @lulahigley No problem. Your body will let you beat a lot of pain into it that you won’t feel until later. It just takes time to get a feel for what your body can handle and how to adjust your workouts accordingly. It’s called “auto regulation.”
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    Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

    @lulahigley I remember when I first started working with a trainer, especially after the first day, I felt so beat up it felt like there was no way I could keep doing it. I’m not going to lie, that level of intense soreness following workouts lasted months. It’s painful and can get in the way of...
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    Significant muscle loss after implementing low impact cardio

    @basabeo This is called over thinking and it’s killing your gains
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    My issues with measuring hypertrophy by strength increase

    @jluponeage I agree. Think about your weight. It can go up and down daily for lots of reasons but the important thing is the overall trend. I use Strong to track my lifts and you can see a graph just like you would with body weight and it helps see the trend easier.
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    beginner w!!

    @janedoe7 The heat is no joke right now - be safe! I’m in Memphis and it is brutal. Great job though!
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    Is upwards of 3 hours in the gym too much?

    @bobmurray Wow - it does sound like a lot for someone who’s only been at it for two months. When you do those main compounds - why so long? How many warmups are you doing? What are your rest times like in general? I just began reconsidering my volume doing after a bout of Covid, doing a low...
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    Can you actually lose weight by only being in a calorie deficit

    @donna8558 Short answer: yes, it works and is the only way to lose weight. Weighing yourself can be stressful, I get it, but I think one of the skills of losing weight is not attaching too many feelings to the number each day. Fluctuations happen. What's important is the average rate of loss...
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    I’m getting stronger but I “see” no difference

    @armando23 Keep going, be patient. What is your diet? How many calories do you eat per day? Fat loss is mainly diet. Exercise helps and building muscle helps, but diet is going to move the needle on weight loss the fastest.
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    Confused about the whole calorie deficit thing. (Please read before commenting)👏

    @barwi I’d echo what was said above in regard to the number you got. The calculators usually include a multiplier for activity - don’t think how much do you work out, how active are you daily? Unless you’re in construction or something extremely active, use the lowest multiplier and you’ll...
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    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    @brokenjoker Decreasing calories should be the main driver. Do what you want but run or walk for 1 hour and see how many calories that burns vs how many calories any of your typical meals are. And don’t compare your regime to professional bodybuilders preparing for a show.
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    The Kendal Jenner inspired workout I use to do for abs. (I need to start again)

    @aenne1952 I used to do a ton of ab work and yeah I got a stronger core, but I didn’t get visible abs. Just saying that I think people get the wrong idea about what these types of workouts can do and I honesty think it’s kind of disingenuous of the people who put them out. I also just point...
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    Semi-Beginner, need help evaluating and adjusting my gym routine

    @eagle1980 It's uh.. not a great program. Find one online - I guarantee there are better programs out there The fitness wiki is a good place to start. There should not be proscribed weights in a program. That is something you dial in yourself based off your ability to lift the most...
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    The Kendal Jenner inspired workout I use to do for abs. (I need to start again)

    @aenne1952 People do a lot of ab work thinking that’s what’s going to get rid of their belly. You can’t spot reduce fat. If you’re doing a normal weightlifting program, you’re going to use your core for a ton of movements, especially compounds, and your abs can get a lot of the work just from...