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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @fratagen2 God, I love beer lol. It's the one thing I probably will never give up. (Granted it can't be something shitty like Natty Lite). But during the week, my diet is strict (even more strict if I can't make it to the gym), and my gym routine is a must. At first I was concerned that I was...
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @rlatham I was looking to bulk and build muscle up until 2 weeks ago, when I went on a caloric deficit, ramped up the cardio, and cut out the carbs. I'm going on vacation in about a week, otherwise I would have continued trying to add muscle and step up my weight. Currently, I keep my routine...
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @cgonzaga Once you get past the "detox" phase, it's easy as hell I promise you! I keep vanilla roasted almonds on hand when I have a sweet tooth, and avocados and string cheese around when I want something fattening and greasy. Remind yourself that being healthy feels better than carbs taste...
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @adessimo I'll definitely give this a go. I love carby goodness
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @godlyaussie Since lifting my energy has skyrocketed. Since cutting out carbs, I have found that I'm not as energetic.. which kind of concerns me because I need that boost to step up my weight each week. Right now I'm experimenting with more fruits and vegetables in my diet to increase my...
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @grandpa4 In the beginning, I was extremely un-dedicated. Lol. It was all trial and error. I went to the gym, didn't know what I was doing - stumbled around and probably looked like a fool. Eventually I found some machines that I looked forward to doing (e.g. hip adductor, leg press). When I...
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @rekarnar Believe me it took me a long time to cut out the beer and Chipotle lol. In fact when you're just starting to lift, the calories from the Chipotle will help your gains. You need to build muscle before you can tone, so chow down for a few months, lift heavy, and once you're ready to tone...
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @srdtrinity Good luck - even small progress is progress after you've recovered! Keep at it :)
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @goodman420 Yeah my back progress has been slow for sure. But I'd rather do it slowly than injure myself. Good luck and just be careful!
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @dawn16 I don't eat popcorn.... I love it, but I don't eat it. It makes me bloat. My twin sister is very big into healthy, clean eating and bodybuilding. She eats SkinnyPop all the time and she looks great. I think as long as no foods are in excess (I take carbs/sugars to the extreme recently in...
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @ninjajelli yeah I know it - it's amazing how much hungrier all the processed food makes you, too. I would say "discipline" leaves the equation after about a week. Your body stops craving processed food, and the whole foods you eat keep you full and satisfied. Anywho, if you're up for the...
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @ninjajelli Yep that was what made a difference to me. All bodies are different, but I suspect that high protein, heavy fruits & veggie diets can do nothing but help grouchy and groggy bodies. I would be lying if I said it wasn't pure fucking torment cutting out the carbs, but the almost instant...
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @wifee Well I don't necessarily attribute the fat loss to the paleo diet. I attribute my de-bloated belly to that. I agree that the caloric deficit helped me tone up and burn fat. I've gone on caloric deficits before and still couldn't achieve a toned midsection. For me, that was because of the...
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @dawn16 Thanks! And yeah, if I wasn't going on vacation next week I'd still be trying to gain mass. I just started cutting so that I could put on the bikini lol
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @lightbook Thanks so much! I started to look at progress pics on here and think "Damn how the fuck do these girls do it!?" and turns out my diet was really the problem behind those last pounds of college-beer weight. Good luck - the results are worth the effort! :)
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @elephant Yeah, alright calm down. I get that the angles don't match up. I also didn't anticipate such a drastic change in my body that I'd want to share. I took these photos for personal motivational reasons and then decided to put them here yesterday.
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    [PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

    @yuripanta Thanks! I was actually one of those girls who feared having muscular arms. Lesson learned!