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  1. J

    What weight should I use for my first kettlebell(s)? (m/1.79m/80kg/untrained)

    @ouznini Get adjustable competition kettlebells. They're expensive, but you only need two and they'll take you far.
  2. J

    Combining kettlebell and heavy club training?

    @chou91 I got a Cadi Club a couple months back and I really enjoy it. My focus is on kettlebells, with a whole body/conditioning primary goal, although three days a week I do extra focus on a "strength" portion of the full body circuit like Monday I go extra hard on lunges, Wednesday it's extra...
  3. J

    Is S&S really enough? Read mor for context. Im pretty new to this fitness thing

    @mr_loevinger I've been swinging kettlebells for about 14-15 years now. Started with Pavel and the ETK program. Learned a bunch of other stuff, found some fun workouts to do (anyone remember that guy Anthony and his Providence and Newport videos?) I was mixing it up, and avoiding boredom, but...