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    Going to whine a little…

    @nedlm10 May want to try mixing your lifts up, go heavy one workout, light the next. On the lights days maybe consider mobility exercises rather than the classic lifts. Pilates is an excellent mix-in, finish up with deep stretching. There are many mobility videos on youtube. Instead of your...
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    Tell me I’m not crazy

    @roarke I agree. People think it's about "looks" ha! at this age it's about how our body feels. Heck, I don't even look at myself in the mirror much anymore. I'm kind of in a similar situation. I'm not yet overweight but very close to being so. I want to lose about 10# so I can get back into...
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    @cinthialagos1303 That's interesting. Because I circuit my weight training I'm in zone 2 every workout.
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    What Programs do Others over 70 Follow

    @mbai22 Wow you are making progress! I say hang on to that trainer and keep using them. They're clearly leading you right, gaining strength and no injuries at almost 80? That is phenomenal.