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  1. S

    What’s your TDEE? What do you for fitness?

    @senni I'm 5'2, 128lb, early 30s. According to MacroFactor my TDEE is ~1800. My weekly workouts: 2-3 hrs strength training (dumbbells at home), 1-2 hrs indoor spin. Lately I'm trying to get ~7k steps daily.
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    I’m tired of juggling everything and I’m completely burnt out

    @robloxgod1337 I hear you! I like Justine Ercole's video and megsquats video, and they both explain that body recomp is actually an advanced technique that is very slow. From reading on other sites it seems so simple and straightforward but it's not!
  3. S

    The TDEE calculator says I should be consuming 1230 cals a day to lose weight. I’m 26F 5’2” 125lb, is this sustainable or realistic?

    @adriana28 I'm your height, a few pounds heavier than you, and about the same activity level. At ~1500 cal/day I've been steadily losing about half a pound a week.