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  1. W

    getting fit seems pointless to me as i don’t enjoy exercise or less food/healthful food. isn’t life about finding joy? help change my mind

    @promiseokon Have you actually tried it? Like honest to goodness put in effort for a sustained period of time? There's probably at least one form of exercise out there you would enjoy. You don't have to be jacked or whatever - there's definitely an in-between level that will give you plenty of...
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    "What Animal Do You Lift?" is back online!

    @readerjoseph I’ve deadlifted a fledgling hippo and that brings me so much joy. 😅
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    How 6 months of rock climbing has changed my body

    @toni123 Seems like your approach is working really well for you and that’s great! I just don’t want people to see 1500 and be like “oh I’m less active than her - how much do I have to cut then?!” or get wrapped up in “OP you need to eat more!” when it seems like you’re doing just fine but the...
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    How 6 months of rock climbing has changed my body

    @ruanddrew 1500 is low, but if OP gained 12lbs while being active, I think their calorie estimation is off. OP said they don’t really track closely. It’s easy to be way off if you aren’t measuring.
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    Not sure whether to continue cutting, stay at maintenance, or eat at a surplus (progress photos)

    @imalamb Damn! Your progress is GREAT! That looks like more than an 8lb loss, which likely means you've put on a good bit of lean muscle mass. I'm not an expert in bulk/cut cycles, but I'd personally stick to maintenance and continue trying to build your lean muscle mass without much change to...
  6. W

    Can you do a pull up if you can pull your bw in a lat pulldown?

    @hillpalash The little bars on the inside of some pull up bars are for neutral grip pull ups. I find those easiest too.