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  1. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @oceanofthruth Ok, I never really tracked, but yeah clothes fit better now.
  2. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @nanalove I am not lactose intolerant, but thought of starting with plant protien. Will surely try whey next.
  3. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @travisr Oh ok, will surely try :)
  4. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @nanalove Ok, Thanks. Should cardio be after or before weight training.. and 5 times a week sufficient?
  5. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @nanalove Height - 157 cms Weight - 60 kgs Lifestyle - mostly sedantry, barely able to do 3k steps on gym days. 1.6/kg seems like a daunting task! I do take plant based protien supplement. Do you recommend switching to whey?
  6. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @suamaytinh5s Well..I can get by on 1200 ish calorie intake given my appetite is low. I did not understand what did you mean by - Because you can't do much on diet. Will it help if I continue with same 1200 calorie intake and increase my steps...
  7. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @mical Yea, that's true..however for a beginner like me, gym is overwhelming.
  8. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @bukola Yes, that's true. But for a beginner like me, gym is overwhelming.
  9. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @nanalove I really appreciate you for sharing all the wisdom and showing me the way forward. 😀
  10. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @nanalove Haha..weighing machine is the enemy !! 😭
  11. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @hello Oh okay..then should I rather track inches? Or is there a better measure to check progress..
  12. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @nanalove It's Inbody 270 machine that they have..
  13. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @consideredfaith It's pretty much same ..61 kg to 60 kg now.
  14. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @grandma2 Yes, I do see changes. I have more strength than ever and am not perpetually tired. I think taking pictures will give me the encouragement to keep going. Thanks for your wise words! 😁
  15. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    Hi fellow gymers!! I am 35 F started with my weight loss journey 3 months ago and joined Cult. In 3 months my body fat percentage has come down to 37.4% from 39.4%. I workout 3-4 times per week and mostly HRX or strength+. Muscle mass has increased by 0.7 kg. Is this progress normal. I was...