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  1. S

    Happy Holidays /r/BWF! Our Gift to You: The BWF Primer Routine Technical Outline (+ only 1 week until the New Year's Primer Community Event!)

    @lawrenceryan Yup, but I didn't have a towel that could fit in the door crack, and the rope was so narrow I couldn't grip it. I eventually put tea towels in the loops, and not long after got rings.
  2. S

    Happy Holidays /r/BWF! Our Gift to You: The BWF Primer Routine Technical Outline (+ only 1 week until the New Year's Primer Community Event!)

    @genixy Rows can absolutely be done with rings. I even did them with a rope with loops at the ends, jammed into the top of a shut door. (... I don't recommend that, unless you can fashion some kind of handle that doesn't hurt your hands like mine did.)
  3. S

    Awesome spreadsheet to find new exercises or find out what you should now progress to

    @chris379 This looks awesome. Made a copy and started filling in where I am. I don't quite understand the = notation between two paths. E.g Next to "Pull Up" there's an = leading to am unnamed for on another path. Similarly for "Sup hold." For the "Sup hold" example, is it basically saying...
  4. S

    Awesome spreadsheet to find new exercises or find out what you should now progress to

    @bcarruthers I think because it's being hammered. After a few refreshes I got the File menu. Or wait until later today.