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    Fitness Goals for 2024

    @julien It was a really positive experience, and made for a great motivator to keep me consistent! His MiniGGC has been fun too - now I know I can deadlift a dirt bike lol. I will definitely be participating in the future.
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    Fitness Goals for 2024

    @julien Thanks for that, that is encouraging! I have only tested my 1RM’s once, for the garage gym competition last month, so I hadnt really thought about what I could do a single for.
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    Fitness Goals for 2024

    @hallartistry My goals are have been 1/2/3/4 plates for the big four lifts. I actually hit 135x3 for ohp last session, and I’m at 205x3 on bench, 305x5 on squat, and 325x5 on DL. So, these are in sight, with the DL being the biggest stretch after a few form issues. On top of that, I want to be...
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    Working out last at night.

    @christdisciple I used to work out in the morning, but I am not a morning person…workout quality went way up when I started going after 9ish. When I get done, I usually have a shower and head to bed. It lines up with my routine at work too, because I have to leave at 4:45am - there’s no way I’m...