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  1. K

    What’s a go to longer zone 2 conditioning workout

    @chibisensei21 Power walking. No I'm not kidding.
  2. K

    Started CrossFit about 4 months ago. Yesterday I 3 rep maxed 305 on my deadlift, pretty proud of myself and thought I’d share

    @robert244 Congrats! A big part of beginner gains isn't just gaining strength, but gaining confidence and comfort and understanding that physically demanding doesn't mean impossible. Keep getting after it!
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    Why is 60 minutes classes the standard? 90 minutes classes would be much more efficient

    @phoenixofthesun24 It was just a suggestion my guy, the entirety of the fitness industry is in no way a secret but we all still pay someone else to suggest to us what we should do. Maybe that was the push for op to say "Ya know, I do have that bike in the basement." No need to ascribe malice or...
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    Why is 60 minutes classes the standard? 90 minutes classes would be much more efficient

    @james238 I do not understand why you are being downvoted. Cycling to and from the gym that is withing 3 miles if you have the extra five minutes is an awesome warmup cooldown.
  5. K

    Is there a good program that follows this general template or something close?

    @weather If you have such a specific routine in mind, either write your own programming or pay a trainer a few hundred bucks to write one for you for your off season. Or pay like $15 for street parking and pick out the workouts that fit your goals to do on the days you want to.