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  1. K

    Basic GS Training Template

    @martincy His marathon program was great too. I followed it to the letter and hit an OALC half-marathon with pretty much zero issue
  2. K

    What was YOUR pathway to pressing double 32s?

    @andy0 yeah, abandoned. I might try to press my single 40 someday, but not a goal right now.
  3. K

    What was YOUR pathway to pressing double 32s?

    @andy0 My pathway was getting to double 28s, realising that I'm a heavyweight and couldn't even do push ups, then abandoning pressing altogether and focusing on bodyweight exercise. :P
  4. K

    What are y’all’s go to programs to compliment BJJ?

    @7seals Dan John's Lifetime Warrior Workouts William Wayland's Grapplers Five Strongfirst Strength Aerobics - or Brett Jones' expansion on that, Iron Cardio Tom Furman's Armor of War or Garage Workout Jim Madden's Maximum-Minimum Program 10 years of BJJ, transitioned to Judo...
  5. K

    S&S or Q&D for a beginner?

    @matthewleaird No worries. The only modification I would make to that stuff is if grinding presses/push-ups give you trouble. Then just consider the push press.
  6. K

    S&S or Q&D for a beginner?

    @matthewleaird Neither. Look up Dan Martin's program minimum on Google and do a variant of that (it's evolved over time) instead. I like the one listed in Dan John's old Lifetime Warrior PDF. The combination of presses (or push ups, but I prefer presses), swings and goblet squats, done as...