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  1. G

    I’m 20 and 5’2” but very stressed about maintaining my weight

    @minhduc I don’t currently but I’m considering going back to therapy, thanks for ur concern
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    I’m 20 and 5’2” but very stressed about maintaining my weight

    @minhduc I’m not in proper recovery at a hospital or anything but I’ve been trying recovery for a few months. I’m also Australian so thankfully I never had those gigantic portion sizes lol. I currently work in retail so I’m worried transitioning to a graphic design office job will make me gain...
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    I’m 20 and 5’2” but very stressed about maintaining my weight

    @teeeecher1 You’re so right. It’s just so easy to forget this when scrolling through social media and stuff. My battle rn is accepting my slightly bigger body after being very skinny most of my life. Thank you for this comment
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    I’m 20 and 5’2” but very stressed about maintaining my weight

    @doubleflip7 Yes I love hiking but it’s just so hard to do that often! I wish I could go on a hike every day honestly, but alas we have to work most of the day :(
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    I’m 20 and 5’2” but very stressed about maintaining my weight

    @dawn16 Thank you for the advice! Hopefully my lazy ass can do it this time lol
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    I’m 20 and 5’2” but very stressed about maintaining my weight

    @godsbugaboo That’s good to know! Of course I know it’s possible but I really value rest time and just relaxing, I feel a lot of pressure when I hear people say they exercise every day like you do bc I find it hard to be motivated when I’m already so busy :( I’m glad you found what works for you...
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    I’m 20 and 5’2” but very stressed about maintaining my weight

    @csev wow this sounds exactly like me rn :( I’m glad you overcame that and enjoyed your life! This is reassuring
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    I’m 20 and 5’2” but very stressed about maintaining my weight

    @carlthedreamer Thank you so much :’) this actually gave me so much relief, I feel like a lot of exercise/gym stuff on social media portrays it as ‘you need to do this every day or else you’ll be fat’ and it just got to me a lot lately. thank you
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    I’m 20 and 5’2” but very stressed about maintaining my weight

    TW: mention of ED This is kind of just a vent post but also looking for advice. I’m studying something that will probably land me a sedentary office job, which I’m starting to panic about. I’m currently a healthy weight and don’t mind my body, but seeing posts on here where some people have...