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  1. C

    What’s your TDEE? What do you for fitness?

    @senni Sedentary maintenance for me is 2000ish, because I'm pretty overweight. Strong fat, but still fat. Working on it. My TDEE varies wildly because I'll get 10+ miles of cardio on days I'm really feeling it and not even hit 10k steps on a different day. And then I lift, which is tricky to...
  2. C

    I’m tired of juggling everything and I’m completely burnt out

    @fadeaway Perfect is the enemy of good. Do what you can. It might not be reasonable to do everything optimally, so prioritize the things that are the most important to you. When I was first trying to lose weight, I focused on cutting out sugar and finding exercise I actually enjoyed. It...
  3. C

    Struggling to understand the concept of “water weight” and why it shouldn’t count. Shouldn’t it?

    @aftergodsheart Water weight makes a difference. It shows up on the scale, and you probably have a lot of it when you feel "bloated". But: it comes and goes easily, particularly compared to tissue loss/gain. So rather than having a single number for your body weight, it's more of a range...
  4. C

    Ideal Weight

    I just came back across this Youtube video by Renaissance Periodization discussing the concept of "ideal weight" and the fact that it's a much wider range than BMI would have you believe. Just thought it might be useful to some of the folks in this subreddit, since I know some of us get...